Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My favorite Canadian beer

It was my first time going out with my office mates and we went to a sports bar. There were peanut shells on the floor, arcade games in one corner, and several TV monitors showing various sports.

The waitress came to get our orders and I wasn't sure what to get. One of the great things about being in Canada is having so many choices of beer to drink. I think the average Canadian beer drinker rotates among 5 different brands, with Molson Canadian or Labatt Blue being the staples, with several other brands competing for attention.

The last time I went to a beer store, which they call The Beer Store, they had at least 60 kinds of beer. And before going to the bar, I tried a few other Canadian beers: Moosehead, Upper Canada, Steamwhistle, Molson Canadian.

And because I was with my new Canadian friends, I didn't want to order a Corona or a Coors. I wanted a Canadian beer!

So I told the waitress that I wanted a Canadian beer. But I also wanted something that was close to what I had back in the old country: a light, refreshing pilsen-type beer.

She smiled, her eyes widened as if a light-bulb went on in her head, touched my arm and said: “I have just the beer for you! You'll like it, I promise!”

She came back with a frosted mug that was filled with the light-amber drink, just enough head to make it picture-pretty. I took a sip as she waited expectantly. I guess the smile on my face said it all for her.

She said, “It's good, eh?”

I asked her what beer it was. And she said “Keith's”.

Keith's. More formally known as Alexander Keith's Premium India Pale Ale from Nova Scotia.

Sure, it's not from Toronto. But close enough.